Successful Portfolios


  1. Rahman Anis & Co., has completed Accounts Audit of SHAPLA Gram Unnayan Sangtha, Prism Bangladesh, and Society for Project Implementation Research Evaluation and Training (SOPIRET), Sagarika Samaj Unnayan Sangstha (SSUS), Somaj-O-Jati Gathan (SOJAG) for the financial year 2013-2014. 
  2. Rahman Anis & Co., has completed Accounts Audit of Bandhu Kallyan Foundation (BKF), Development Ennitiative for social Advancement (DISA), Sabolombi Unnayan Samity (SUS), Grammen Manobik Unnayan Sangtha (GRAMAUS), Palli Bikash Kendra (PBK) for the year 2012-2013.
  3. Rahman Anis & Co., has completed Accounts Audit of Manobik Sahajja Sangtha, Village Development Foundation (VDF), Centre for Development Innovation and Practices, Centre for Advanced Research and Social Action (CARSA), Dak Dia Jai for the year 2011-2012. 
  4. Rahman Anis & Co., has completed Accounts Audit of CARSA, RAO, OSACA, ARBAN, HOPE, Sapla Gram Unnayan Sangtha & Palli Shishu Foundation under PKSF for the year 2010-2011.
  5. Rahman Anis & Co., has completed Accounts Audit of Dhaka Ahsania Mission, ARCHES, Jaypurhat Samaj Kallayan Sangtha, Jatiyo Kallayan Sangtha under Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) for the year 2009-2010.
  6. Rahman Anis & Co. has completed the Accounts Audit of CARSA for the year 2012-2013.